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What Works Best When Combining Television Sets, PCs, Tablets, or Mobile Phones?

0. Mű hivatkozása, szakdolgozat-kompatibilis módon:

D. Varan, J. Murphy, C.F. Hofacher, J. A. Robinson, R.F Potter, S. Bellman (2013) : What Works Best When Combining Teievision Sets, PCs, Tabiets, or Mobile Phones?  Journal of Advertising Research, 2013 June, pp:212-220

1. Milyen kérdésre keresi a választ a cikk, mi a fő kutatási kérdés, milyen hipotézisekkel él? Igazolja vagy sem a kutatás ezeket?

Are video comniercials more effective if seen on a television set, as compared to viewings on PCs, small audio-visual devices, and mobile phones?

Are there positive (or negative) synergy effects for video commercials seen across combinations of devices, such as a tele- vision set, a PC, and a mobile phone?

What happens if there are differences in advertising format—i.e., interactive ver- sus non-interactive video commercials?

2. Cikkben megtalálható fontosabb definíciók, hivatkozással (saját, v szerző+évszám)

Empirical generalization (empirikus általánosítás): other things being equal, device makes no difference to ad effectiveness. But format differences can generate multiplicative sequential synergy effects.

A combination of devices yields synergy when one enhances or reduces the effectiveness of another (Belch and Belch, 2009)

Synergy is a multipli- cative effect: a x b, not a + b (Assael, 2011; Lubinski and Humphreys, 1990)

Multi- plicative synergy ignores exposure-order; a x b = b ‘X. a.

Sequential synergy may occur in one order but not another (Assael, 2011)

Lab experiments, for example, have demonstrated positive and negative spirals when combining different devices (Edell and Keller, 1989).

3. Felállít-e elméleti modellt vagy keretet a szerző?

Kísérlet : 4 különböző módon lásd table 1

A: az első három csoportban UGYANAZT A VIDEÓT (same advertising format) láthatták a különböző platformokon az alanyok, nem mutatkozott szignifikáns különbség a hatékonyságuk között.

EG1 (=empirical generalization) empirikus általánosítás : Other things (e;g., viewing envi- ronment) being equal, there are no differences in advertising effectiveness for non-interactive video commercials seen across television sets, PCs, portable audio-video devices, and mobile phones.

  • If the format is the same, then device makes difference to advertising likeability. (table 2) 
  • If the format is the Same, then device makes no difference to persuasion (table 3)

EG2 : other things being equal, the same advertising format makes no difference across combinations of television sets, PCs,iPods and mobile phones.

  • If the format is the same, then device- combination makes no difference.

B: a 4. számú kísérletben különböző hírdetéseket láthattak- különböző mértékű interakcióval, hosszúsággal stb

Eredmény: singnificans synergy effect on recall resulting from a significant multiplicative PC x mobile phone effect. ALSO a main effect of FORMAT: recall was significantly higher for both the PC and mobile phone compared to the television.

4. Egyéb érdekes gondolat a cikkből

When the advertising on a PC closely matches the advertising shown on a television, no synergy occurs (Dijk- stra et al., 2005)  -> synergy depend more on FORMAT than DEVICE !

the bigger the screen (e.g., tele- vision vs. mobile phone), the better the effect (Reeves and Nass, 1996)

Objects seen on larger screens appear more nat- ural (Kock, 2005), and generate greater emotional response (Reeves, Lang, Kim, and Tatar, 1999).

Advertising on television sets can have powerful persuasive effects without recall (Heath, 2009), and also without liking (Bergkvist and Rossiter, 2008)

The most important advertismg- effectiveness measure is persuasion. which links directly to sales (Gibson, 1983).

For example, video viewing on mobile phones skews younger, male, and non-white (Nielsen, 2012).

5. Konklúzió: milyen (menedzseri) következtetéseket fogalmaz meg a cikk

• device makes no difference to advertising effectiveness, measured by awareness, advertising likeability, or persuasion (brand attitude and purchase intention)…

• … and so, under those conditions, any combination of devices is equally effective.

• BUT, if the format is not the same on each device (e.g., interactive vs. non- interactive), there can be sequential synergy effects.

7. 10-15 kulcsszó


brand awareness

advertising likeability

brand attitude

purchase intention

advertising effectiveness





crossmedia advertising

advertising on multiple devices

cross-device effects

crossmedia advertising